2nd ICARUS days in Dubrovnik
- 26
- Jan
Ul. kardinala Stepinca 21
20000, Dubrovnik
The Croatian State Archives organizes together with ICARUS and the State Archives in Dubrovnik the 2nd Croatian ICARUS days under the theme „Archives and community“.
It will also include the 2nd international gathering „Together“ of the State Archives from the Slavic countries.

The State Archives of Dubrovnik
The emphasis of this conference through the perspective of the ICARUS network will lie on the experiences and capabilities of Croatian archives on digitization activities and protection of written heritage as well as current archival projects and programmes across Europe, such as the EU-funded project „co:op – community as opportunity„.
Furthermore, the „Venice Time Machine“ project, the Monasterium portal, Topotheques, the marking of WWI and further topics will be highlighted within the given context.