Hranice. Historie. Lidé.

2015/04/23 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Vienna
Penzinger Straße 11
1140 Wien

Invitation to the presentation of the conference transcript “Hranice. Historie. Lidé. – Grenzen. Geschichte. Menschen.”Capture

How does regional history evolve? How do people handle borders? How and when does the perceptionof history change in the peoples’ viewpoint and how does historiography react to this?

The conference transcript “Hranice. Historie. Lidé. – Grenzen. Geschichte. Menschen.”, resulting from a colloqium in Vranov nad Dyjí (CZ) in 2013, intents to approach and apprehend the phenomenon “border” from various scientifc angels as well as regional perspectives. This résumé not only outlines the read thread “border” but even more so illustrates how difficult it is to change people’s minds when legends, myths and traditional values and experiences are determinative. This book explains how – based on historic facts – the topic “border region Southern Moravia-Northern Lower Austria” is being experienced from a regional-historic perspective.

For more information on the event and registration, please click here.