Ready … Set … Ink! for the APEx Grant Agreement

On May 30th it was time to finally draw the most precious pens and put the finest signatures on the APEx Grant Agreement!

At the Statens Arkiver, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen, the beneficiaries of the APEx project officially signed their accession to the Grant Agreement. Already signed by Mr. Martin Berendse of the Nationaal Archief, the Grant Agreement was the last official step to getting the APEx project on its feet.

The Executive Steering Committee elected Kerstin Arnold from the Federal Archives of Germany as Technical Coordinator and first steps towards the creation of the APEx foundation were taken.

However, the project is already well on its way and much progress has been made since the kick-off meeting in The Hague on 13th March 2012 – the team is in great spirits and looking forward to the work to come!