Some of the minutes, the report of the whole meeting, the newsletter article that was published in the Einsiedler Stadtanzeiger and some pictures of our speakers, presentations and of course the fierce soccer game are now available here.
Monthly Archives: July 2012
Welcome to ICARUS Stadtarchiv Nordhausen!
- 18
- Jul

We would like to welcome our newest member – the Stadtarchiv Nordhausen in Thüringen, Germany. Check out their flyer! Cheers to future cooperations!
July 19th, 2012: The APE@Digital Humanities conference (DE)
- 13
- Jul

On Thursday 19 July 2012, the Archives Portal Europe will be presented at the Digital Humanities conference at the University of Hamburg (DE). The conference will be from 16 – 22 July focusing on Digital Diversity: Cultures, languages and methods. The presentation on the Archives Portal Europe will be within the framework of the Panel Session […]
New ICARUS member
- 04
- Jul

We are delighted to announce the accession of our newest member: The Nadškofijski arhiv Maribor Happy to have you on board and looking forward to our future cooperations!
Digitale Editionen – Methoden und Technologien für Fortgeschrittene
- 02
- Jul
Dear ICARUS Members, liebe ICARUS-Mitglieder (english Version below) das Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik e.V. (IDE) veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Germanistik der TU Chemnitz eine Summer School *Digitale Editionen – Methoden und Technologien für Fortgeschrittene* 8. – 12. Oktober 2012 in Chemnitz. Im Kurs sollen Bearbeiter von Editionen, welche die Grundlagen der […]