The Monasterium project will be presented within the second conference of the European ecclesiastical archivists. It will take place at the Associazione Archivisitca Ecclesiastica in Rome (IT) from 29 April – 01 May 2013. Programme: Seconda conferenza degli archivisti ecclesiastici Europei from ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research
Yearly Archives: 2013
Report: virtual archive of the Teutonic Knights
- 23
- Apr

Successful conference at the State Archives Ludwigsburg (DE) Close to 100 participants from archives, universities and academic commissions gathered at the State Archives Ludwigsburg on 11-12 April 2013 in order to discuss a Virtual Archive of the Teutonic Knights. The digitization of the charters of the Teutonic Knights at the State Archives Ludwigsburg and their integrated online presentation gave the […]
ICARUS-Meeting #11 Dublin
- 23
- Apr

Dear all, we just released the programme for our upcoming ICARUS-Meeting in Dublin at Trinity College from 25-26 June 2013. For more information look >>> here. There is even more to come: This time the meeting will correpsond with two more conferences – all in Dublin, all within the same week, all discussing closely related […]
Learning Diplomatics with MOMCa (Prof. A. Ambrosio)
- 10
- Apr
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy 2012/2013 Let’s start! The Diplomatics course for Master’s Degree students at the University of Naples, Federico II, organized in the context of the activities of the ENARC project, will trace a path from traditional to the new methodologies of the Digital Age. […]
Our Monasterium-Scanman Robert Reiter in action!
- 10
- Apr

The following video allows you to peek behind the scenes of the digitization work carried out by Monasterium. The recording was made in the archival depot of the Czech National Museum in Terezín (CZ). Click on the image below and enjoy!
Conference: Trotz der Grenze. Migrationsprozesse im tschechisch-deutschen Grenzgebiet
- 10
- Apr
The conference will be held in CHEB/EGER “Papírna” from 27-29 May 2013 and is being organized with the frameworks of the EU project “Ziel 3 Tschechische Republik – Freistaat Sachsen 2007-2013”. Organizer: Staatliches Gebietsarchiv Pilsen – Staatliches Kreisarchiv Eger Click on the link below to view the programme (Czech and German). Programme for conference: Trotz […]
Bienvenido a ICARUS!
- 09
- Apr

We would like to welcome our newest member: Archivo Histórico Eclesiástico de Bizkaia/Bizkaiko Elizaren Histori Arkibua (AHEB-BEHA)
Topothek in „schaufenster | kultur.region“
- 06
- Mar

We are very happy to direct you to this very informative article on the Topothek by Ms Mella Waldstein in „schaufenster | kultur.region“ – Please click on the image below to read (in German).
ICARUS article in EURBICA newsletter
- 27
- Feb
The January EURBICA newsletter informs you about all ongoing activities within the European regional branch of the International Council on Archives: ICARUS and the APEx-project are represented there as well. Take a look >>here.
Welcome to ICARUS!
- 18
- Jan

Please welcome our first new member of 2013: the Centro de Estudos de Historia Religiosa! “Created in 1988, the CEHR – Centre of Religious History Studies is a research and training unit of the Catholic University of Portugal that focuses specifically on the field of religious history.”