Hello and welcome to our new member: The Archivio di Stato di Reggio Calabria Great to have you part of the team!
Hello and welcome to our new member: The Archivio di Stato di Reggio Calabria Great to have you part of the team!
ICARUS, the University of Naples and ENArC support the First Virtual Congress of Teaching Innovation. Prof. Antonella Ambrosio (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II/ICARUS) is part of the Academic Committee and will present a paper on Esperienze didattiche di Diplomatica con le tecnologie digitali. Date: 16 – 20 September 2013 […]
A conference report on our past conference “Building infrastructures for archives in a digital world” which was held in Dublin (IE) at Trinity College from 26-28 June 2013 is now available via the online platform HSOZKULT (Communication and Information Services for Historians) by the Humboldt University Berlin. Thank you to our colleague Kathrin Pindl from […]
What a joy to share with you these news: Welcome to our second French ICARUS member – the Ecole Nationale des Chartes!
Follow the activities from our ENArC UNINA cooperation You can take a look at Žarko Vujoševic’s review of “Digital Diplomatics: Tools for the Digital Diplomatist” (Naples 2011) in the brand new journal “Initial. A review of Medieval Studies”, 1, 2013, 323-330 (in Serbian) >>> here.
Call for Papers As part of the activities of the ENArC project – supported by the Culture 2007 – 2013 Program of European Union – the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in cooperation with the Budapest City Archives (Hungary) and the National Archives of Malta organizes the workshop CARTOGRAPHY AND CADASTRAL MAPS VISIONS FROM THE […]
On 16 July 2013 the Croatian State Archives (Zagreb) in cooperation with the Getty Conservation Institute (Los Angeles) organizes a Photograph Conservation Workshop at the facilities of the Croatian State Archives. Detailed information on the workshop can be found >>> here. The application form can be downloaded >>> here.
The State Archives in Paznin – one of our ICARUS members – is staging the following conference: The International Scientific Conference Istrian economy yesterday and tomorrow, will be held on 22 November in Pazin and 23 November in Pula. It is organized by The State Archives in Pazin, in co-organization with the Juraj Dobrila University […]
It´s been a tough, tough decision – so we decided to have two winners: Renata Horvat: ICARUS: where past and future meet. Tihomir Pleše: You won´t get burned with this ICARUS. Congratulations! The winners will receive a surprise package. **Stay tuned to find out what we´ve got planned for the slogans!**
4th International Conference The Future of Information Sciences (INFuture) Organized by Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia INFuture2013: Information Governance Zagreb, 6-8 November 2013 http://infoz.ffzg.hr/INFuture Contact: infuture.conference@gmail.com