Bienvenido a ICARUS!
- 09
- Apr

We would like to welcome our newest member: Archivo Histórico Eclesiástico de Bizkaia/Bizkaiko Elizaren Histori Arkibua (AHEB-BEHA)
We would like to welcome our newest member: Archivo Histórico Eclesiástico de Bizkaia/Bizkaiko Elizaren Histori Arkibua (AHEB-BEHA)
We are very happy to direct you to this very informative article on the Topothek by Ms Mella Waldstein in „schaufenster | kultur.region“ – Please click on the image below to read (in German).
The January EURBICA newsletter informs you about all ongoing activities within the European regional branch of the International Council on Archives: ICARUS and the APEx-project are represented there as well. Take a look >>here.
Please welcome our first new member of 2013: the Centro de Estudos de Historia Religiosa! “Created in 1988, the CEHR – Centre of Religious History Studies is a research and training unit of the Catholic University of Portugal that focuses specifically on the field of religious history.”
The countdown is over: the release 1.1 of the Archives Portal Europe marks an important step in developing this unique portal into an invaluable tool for the international archival community. New project, new portal, new address: As the network around the Archives Portal keeps growing steadily, this new release is the perfect occasion to officially […]
Società Dantesca Italiana, Palagio dell’Arte della Lana, Via Arte della Lana 1, Florence, Italy 13-14 December 2012 Antonella Ambrosio and Maria Rosaria Falcone – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – will present a paper titled “Il progetto ENArC. Attività didattiche innovative e creazione di archivi digitali” at the “First Annual Conference of Computing […]
The consortium of the EU-funded project APEx – Archives Portal Europe Network of Excellence – consisting of 28 national archives and ICARUS, is organising a conference to discuss the major challenges archives face on their path into the digital world. It aims at debating the major questions in respective professional fields by evaluating the broad scope […]
For anyone who is interested to learn about what the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II has been up to within ICARUS / ENArC lately, check out their Activities Report and click here.
Please say hello to our newest ICARUS member – the Sveučilište u Zadru University of Zadar (Department of Information Sciences) Looking forward to close cooperations in the future!
Please welcome our newest ICARUS member – the IQ Institute in Zagreb! A very warm welcome and we are looking forward to future cooperations!