The volume “Digitale Urkundenpräsentationen. Beiträge zum Workshop in München, 16. Juni 2012, Hrsg.: Joachim Kemper u. Georg Vogeler“ is ready to be downloaded here.
The volume “Digitale Urkundenpräsentationen. Beiträge zum Workshop in München, 16. Juni 2012, Hrsg.: Joachim Kemper u. Georg Vogeler“ is ready to be downloaded here.
Dear colleagues, the Monasterium database will only be partially available from 23.-24.06.2012 as the MOM-CA system is being transformed into the new 2.0 version. Accordingly, the online editing tool for individual charters will also only be partially up and running in July 2012. Thank you for your understanding and be sure to check out the […]
We would like to welcome our newest member – the Biblioteca Cathariniana in Pisa! Looking forward to our future cooperations!
Friends and colleagues! As we are a partner in the Archives Portal Europe Network of Excellence – APEx – project, we have been posting news for some time now, letting you know about the project’s activities enabling the Archives Portal Europe – APE. Well, it is time to invite you to check out the APE’s facebook […]
Don´t miss Dr. Herbert Wurster who will introduce the Matricula portal under the title “Digitale Genealogy im mitteleuropäischen Raum” (Digital Genealogy in Central Europe) at the 64th German Day of Genealogy on September 2nd! The conference will be held from 31.08.-03.09.2012 in Augsburg (GE), accompanied by exhibitions. Click on the image below to get to […]
Invitation to submit brief summaries of teaching experience with the help of MOM-Ca and Edit MOM Didactics Working Group Workshop Einsiedeln (Switzerland) Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 The Didactics Working Group Workshop meets every six months, at the semiannual meeting of Icarus. The next meeting will be held on the 26th of June 2012 in […]
On May 30th it was time to finally draw the most precious pens and put the finest signatures on the APEx Grant Agreement! At the Statens Arkiver, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen, the beneficiaries of the APEx project officially signed their accession to the Grant Agreement. Already signed by Mr. Martin Berendse of the Nationaal Archief, the Grant […]
We had a great time introducing ICARUS, ENArC, Monasterium, the Archives Portal Europe and APEx to the students from the SNS during the ICARUS4education workshop “The Network of the European Historic Archives from Ecclesiastic Archives to European Archival Platforms”. A big thank you to the students for showing us so much interest and giving us […]