WWI – Reflections from behind the frontlines

2014/06/26 – 2014/06/28 all-day
Home of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zelenih beretki
Sarajevo 71000
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maticna Sluzba

International archival conference: WWI – Reflections from behind the frontiers

In remembrance of the centennial anniversary of the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the outbreak of the First World War 1914

The Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Archivist Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croatian State Archives and the International Centre for Archival Research (ICARUS) invited proposals for papers to be presented at the International Archival Conference “WWI : Reflections from behind the frontlines”, to be held in Sarajevo on June 26-29th 2014 with following pro-posed panels:

  • Reflections on the Great War 1914-1918: Panelists are invited to present archival collections from their institutions relating to the Great War 1914-1918.WWI_text
  • Parallel worlds – connecting experiences through Archives: In this panel we would like to connect historical actors and events on the basis of the archival materials produced by the different warring sides (e.g. reports from the battles, diaries etc.).
  • Archives as “Lieu de mémoire”: The archival materials from the period of WWI are one of the most important sources not only for historical research, but also for the Centenary. What roles should Archives play in commemorating WWI?
  • Protecting the Archives: Tragic events which occurred at the Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina in February 2014, have moved the archival community to discuss the infrastructural problems related to the protection of heritage. The results of the discussion will be presented in the form of the Sarajevo Declaration on Archives.

WWI_text_2The objectives of the conference are to summarize the various activities and their results related to World War I that are accomplished by archives and to suggest new avenues for work for the Centenary 2014-2018; to emphasize the role of archives in preserving communal and private memory, and to highlight the importance of defending archives with their existing infrastructure as proper scientific and cultural institutes. In addition, the participants in the conference must be willing to discuss, approve and release a „The 2014 Declaration of Sarajevo on the Protection of Archives”.

The programme, detailed information on the venue and the accompanying cultural programme of the conference can be downloaded here