ICARUS Lectures
Archives are institutions of cultural heritage which may deeply fascinate. The age of IT is considered a revolution similar to the invention of letterpress printing in the middle of the 15th century. This gives rise to a lot of exciting aspects and questions that are to be shared and discussed with experts and the huge circle of historically interested persons during regular lectures – ICARUS Lectures.
9 ICARUS Lectures are planned to be held, each in a different country. Each lecture will focus on a certain topic related to archives and the challenges of IT, however presented in an exciting and generally understandable way.
It is proposed to always choose a speaker from another country. The local project partner from the respective host country will be responsible for the organisation of the lectures.
Speakers shall be chosen in agreement with the other partners. All ICARUS Lectures will be made avaiable as podcast on the website of ICARUS.
This international lecture programme aspires:
- Encouragement of knowledge exchange
- Collaborative examinations of the challenges European archives as well as neighbouring cultural institutions have to face in the digital age