ICARUS-Lecture #3
- 25
- Apr
Title: Archive, Wissenschaft, Internet und viele neue Möglichkeiten — Erfahrungen und Anregungen aus Frankreich (Archives, science, the internet and many more new possibilites — Experiences and propositios from France)
Speakers: Dominique Stutzmann and Sébastien Barret, Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, IRHT (FR)
Synopsis: The intensive use of new media signifies a major change in archivistic, librarian and academic working practices in France. This effects the professional community and gives rise to new strategy development as the balance between archives, academics and the broad public has shifted significantly. If the archives redefine their social function and their audience respectively (Archive 2.0), this can also mean fundamental, progressive consequences for scientific practices.
Following the nuanced overview of internet use of French archives, the specific role of archives in scientific research was discussed. How the cooperation between researchers and archives be intensified, audience be broadened and archive material explored even more were the core issues to be presented.
The Lecture was rounded off with the book presentation “Archives on the Web — Experiences, challenges, visions“.
Recordings of the lecture as well as the following presentation of the book can be listened to or downloaded on our podcast page.